Friday, December 1, 2017

Christmas Cactus

It was not blooming when I left before Thanksgiving, but today, when I returned to the office after my Thanksgiving break, the Christmas cactus that sits on my desk was in full bloom. How unexpected! How beautiful!
I think that’s what Christmas can be if we let it—if we don’t give into the cynicism about the holiday, complaining about the commercialism, wearing a chip on our shoulder about how we greet others. If we consciously decide to turn from all of that, I think that Christmas can be beautiful, even in its corniest elements, the deep yearning to connect with the people who mean the most to us, the decency that is at the heart of folks just waiting to be revealed sometimes in small acts of breathtaking goodness.

And I think that it can be unexpected. Oh, to be sure, Christmas is always on December 25, and the countdown to that date has been going on for months, but I think that Christmas can be unexpected in the way it actually happens for us—that moment that we cannot plan when something is born again in us—call it love, call it joy, call it peace, call it hope. The heart stirs. Maybe there’s a tear in your eye, and Christmas happens for you again.

My Christmas cactus is blooming again! And I hope that something unexpectedly beautiful blooms in your life in the weeks to come.

--Pastor Don Steele

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