Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Who Do You Love?

February is the month of love - with little paper hearts and dollies, shoe boxes decorated with red paper and timeless messages Be Mine, UR Cute, or Text Me printed on candy hearts, we celebrate our friendships and take time to tell our loved ones how important they are to us.

As important as this question is for us - Who do you love? We also need to consider the other question- who loves us? Of course, we hope to be loved by our friends and our family, but we also should pause to consider the love that God has for us, and for the whole world.

God’s love, scripture tells us, is the power behind creation and the reason behind the coming of Christ into the world. It’s God’s love that has the power to transform the world. God’s love isn’t based on whether or how we return our love to God- it doesn’t decrease if we forget to send a card, or even if we haven’t talked in a while- God’s love is enormous, and when we join into God’s love, we find that we are a part of that love- claimed by it, part of it, loved by it.

This February, as we think about love in so many ways - I pray that we know that we are loved by God - and part of that enormous and powerful love for the world.

At Central we have ways for you and your family to respond to God’s love this month:

Souper Bowl of Caring on 2/4 is a great way for us to support our partners at Fountain Baptist Church as we collect canned goods and cash to support their ministry- with the fun of the big game, it’s important to remember those in need.
Stockpile Sunday is 2/11, and this month we are collecting TOILETRIES. Please bring items to the gathering area.

Young Children
Mission with Mommy- Preschool and kindergarten-aged children are invited to join us on February 28th at 11:30 with a care giver to prepare for our next Midnight Run. The Children are collecting granola bars for lunches for the homeless.

Music and Mission Sunday School-
On February 11th we will be making cards for our college students and preparing for the Midnight Run in March.

Middle School
Service at Central is going strong with activities every Friday Evening from 5:30- 7:00 to support our community. Highlights this month are the Tackle Hunger Event at The Connection on 2/2 (7:00-9:00 pm) and making sandwiches for Midnight Run on 2/9.

High School
Midnight Run will be on 2/9. Drivers and participants are invited to sign up here:

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