This weekend in worship, we will be reading Psalm 150- Let
everything that breathes praise the Lord! As we celebrate the last weekend of
Summer it seems especially fitting to praise God- praising God for our
blessings, praising God for time with our family and friends, for the expansive
easiness of summer, and praising God as we prepare for fall.
For believers, praise is our response to God. It’s the
feeling that wells up in us when we see a beautiful coastline or a magnificent
mountain view. It’s our response to God when we see the blessings in our lives-
restoration to health or relationship. As we grow in faith we cultivate this
response and communication- learning to see God at work in our lives, we
respond with Praise.
This week we have had terrible news pouring in from Texas.
Many of us with personal connections are hearing stories of flooding and fear,
of those who are lost or struggling, and we pray that God will bring peace and
comfort. We are also hearing those stories of rescue trucks and boats, of warm
socks and neighbors reaching out- looking at the helpers, we see God in the
middle of the flood, and we respond to God with praise.