Friday, May 19, 2017

May Flowers

As May continues at Central we find that just as the flowers and plants are budding and growing around us that we are also feeling growth at Central. We are so so grateful to our volunteers and leaders who minister to our children and community-based for their growth as leaders and the growth of our children and youth in faith, generosity and knowledge.  We are grateful for growth in our partnership with churches and community groups and for our growing presence in the community.
     Most of our growth at Central is just like the budding of the cherry blossoms and daffodils- buds and blossoms from trees planted long ago and nurtured over time. We are admire the wisdom and vision of so many lay leaders who thoughtfully worked to form partnerships, to develop relationships and to do the hard work of preparation and building. Thanks to all of you!
     This summer there is so much to look forward to at Central- Vacation Bible School, Mission Trip, Service at Central- we hope that as we continue to do the work of ministry- participating in the work of God in the world, that we find time to enjoy the fruits of our labor at the church- growing friendships, connections to churches and communities, opportunities to learn and grow in Christ's love. 

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Mother's Day Commencement

I will not be in church on Mother’s Day this year. Instead, I will be at Rutgers University as our youngest son graduates. At first, it seemed to be odd to have his commencement on Mother’s Day, but the more that I’ve thought about it, the less odd it has seemed to me.
            He is the younger of our two boys, and so this commencement marks a real change for us—the commencement of a new phase of life for our family. Our children, our kids, the ones we brought home from the hospital, played with as toddlers, sent off to the first day of school, snapped prom pictures in their rented tuxedos—they are grown up. Graduating from college is the commencement of adulthood, in a way, it seems. And on Sunday, this Mother’s Day, both of our boys will have graduated.
            And yet, Donna and I remain their parents. That is the thing that you discover as you move through life. You remain parents. On this Mother’s Day, we will commence a new kind of relationship, to be sure—a relationship, not with boys, but with young men, making their way, finding their place. When they were younger, we were, as their parents, more active, more in control. But now, all sense of control is gone, and we are more passive—our hearts still powerfully linked to them and what happens to them, but with so much less to say about what happens to them.
            All of which makes it seem to me to be less odd to think about sitting in the stands as our youngest son graduates this Mother’s Day—removed from corsages and Hallmark cards and brunch—deeply engaged in matters of the heart with the two human beings on the face of this earth who made the biggest change in our lives, making Donna a mother, me a father—the two most precious gifts we have received from the hand of the loving God.

--Pastor Don Steele

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Breaking News!

Do you yearn for practical tips to help you enrich family time and foster greater peace within?

Do you feel empty and dissatisfied as you parent, like you've lost yourself along the way?

Do you long to live with a deeper sense of purpose and personal fulfillment?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then I hope you will watch the recent episode of my parenting TV series, Chaos to Calm. I interview Central’s own Pam Robertson and Time Management Coach Lisa Allen for important answers to these questions. Watch “The Chaos of Unfulfillment” here.

Living in tune with our life purpose can afford us richer fulfillment indeed. I have been exploring that topic this year on many fronts. In addition to watching the episode, I invite you to read my recent article for on three steps to discerning life purpose by clicking here. This article includes insights I preached about at WAVE as part of the New Year, New You series.

Now, I am delighted to report that I will be exploring life purpose further in my first book! The PC(USA) has contracted me to write a book for their best-selling Being Reformed workbook series. The book will be an interactive discernment tool to help people live more fully into God’s plan for their lives. Thank you to Deborah for playing a part in this exciting development by connecting me with the publisher!

In terms of other upcoming news, I will be preaching at the WAVE service on May 21st. I will be exploring one of Jesus’ beatitudes, his basic teachings from the Sermon on the Mount. WAVE services are kid-friendly and begin at 5 pm.

Also, the last episode of this season’s Chaos to Calm will air later this month! It will feature Pastor Don, Pastor Deborah, Charity, and Adam. Tune in to discover something new about each of them and what makes their work at Central so special. A meaningful church connection is certainly an important step for families looking to move from chaos to calm!

Until Then,
–Pastor Noelle Kirchner

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