In Jeremiah 4, God speaks to the children of Israel and tells them that God will “let you find me.” God promises us that when we seek God, that we will find God. “Then when you call upon me and come and pray to me, I will hear you. When you search for me, you will find me; if you seek me with all your heart, I will let you find me, says the Lord.”
When we spend time with our children and youth in Sunday School, Youth Group, Vacation Bible School and on Mission Trips, we talk to them about God Sightings. Each day we share places where we saw God. Older youth share their God Sightings as part of worship and in small-group discussions. At VBS the children plugged in light bulbs for each of their God Sightings. It can be something small, like when I fell during games, my new friend helped me up, or it can feel providential, like, the family lost their mother three years ago, and the blanket that she always had is in tatters- the prayer shawl that we brought is the same color. When we notice and share these signs of God’s nearness and action in the world, it helps us to be closer to God.
By talking about God Sighting, we hope that our young people with learn to look for signs of God in their relationships, in their work and in their service to God and to others, and we trust that this understanding will help their faith to grow.
As we move into the stories of the prophets this month in worship, we will be thinking about how God spoke through them, and how God still speaks to us. I encourage each of us to take some time thinking about those places where we hear God’s voice most clearly, to give thanks for them, and to work to spend extra time this month seeking them out.
-Pastor Deborah Huggins