Wednesday, February 14, 2018

The Iona Community

I have been intrigued by the Iona Community ever since I first visited the small island of Iona, located off the west coast of Scotland, in 1986. Iona is the place where, in the 6th Century, Columba came from Ireland to launch his Christian mission in Scotland. Today, the dominant structure on Iona is the Abbey, which was reconstructed, starting in the 1930’s, on medieval foundations. During Lent, we are bringing prayer services used in that Abbey to Central Church, each Thursday evening at 7:15 pm.
However, the Iona Community is so much more than the island. It is a community of women and men, spread out around the world, joined by a five part rule that unites the community. And I think that the five part rule gives us practices that we could well use during Lent:
1)      Daily prayer and Bible reading. For the 40 days of Lent, try to spend some time in your day reading from the Bible, even just a verse or two, and spend some time, even just a short time, reflecting on your life—what concerns you, what brings you joy.
2)      Sharing and accounting for the use of our resources, including money. During Lent, review your finances. What percentage of your income are you giving to help others? The Bible talks about giving away a “tithe” or 10%.
3)      Planning and accounting for the use of our time. Take a look at back at your calendar since the beginning of the year. How have you been using your time, and how much deep satisfaction is that use of time bringing to you?
4)      Action for justice and peace in society and the integrity of creation. Get in touch with those things that you hear in the news that genuinely move you. What are you doing to be a part making things better in the world?
5)      Meeting with and accounting to each other. Is there a group of people with whom you can talk about how you are doing with the four points above? This is not therapy. This is about growing as a disciple of Jesus, which is the whole point of Lent.
Pastor Don Steele

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